Sunday, March 27, 2011

Days 2-7: Smooth Sailing

Sorry guys, it's been awhile since I last blogged. I have now been through 8 days without my phone, and it's going perfectly fine! Honestly, it feels like nothing's really changed. But I most definitely do focus much better in school, and I'm actually getting my homework done! ;) I feel like I'm focusing on the more valuable things in life. The things that actually mean something. Also, my life is consistently drama free, because I don't have my phone to tune me in to all that's going on, which is a great thing in my opinion. I am realizing what my priorities are, and what needs to come first in my life. None of which include my phone, or social life. When I do get my phone back, I am most certainly going to realize that I don't need it as much as I thought I did in the beginning. People ask me on a daily basis, "Hey Taylor, how's it going without your phone? I don't know how you can do that, because I know I never could." Well, let me say this. It isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. And that's coming from someone who was OBSESSED with her cellular device. Whenever I would get grounded, and get my phone taken away, I would always think it was the end of the world. Which, looking back at it now, was the stupidest thing to ever think. It's JUST a phone. There was a time when none even existed, and those people did just fine without them. And I'm doing just fine without mine as well.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 1: Feeling Like I'm Loosing It

Well, it's been a day since I've given my phone up, and I must say, it's going much better than I thought it would. Although, it's definitely going to take some getting used to.Today at school I kept forgetting I didn't have my phone altogether, so I was continually thinking I was leaving it behind in my classes. Which of course, I wasn't. On the brink of insanity maybe? I think not. These next 29 days are going to be easy as pie, I do believe. And when I do finally get my phone returned to me, I will have finally realized that I don't NEED it, and I'm almost positive that I will rarely be using it. Which is one of the common goals I am hoping to achieve out of this whole experience. This is going to be a great next few weeks!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Experiment: Living Without a Cell Phone for 30 Days

I'm your average 17-year-old American girl. I hang out with friends and family, I enjoy experiencing new things, I do crazy stuff, I'm boy crazy, I listen to music, and just like every other typical teen, I'm on my phone WAY too much. Texting, talking, the internet. You name it, I'm on it. I never realized how much of an impact it was having on my life, until recently. I text an average of 15,000 times a month, which is about 500 texts a day. Crazy, huh? Drastic times call for drastic measures. So I have agreed to give my phone up for 30 days. During these 30 days I plan to simply observe. Observe things as simple as my everyday surroundings, and things as broad as soceity and the world I am living in today. A lot can be missed by burying your face in an LCD screen, and I'm about to find out what all I have missed, and what I will no longer miss. I encourage everyone who is reading this to follow me, and see what this experiment may turn into. It may turn out that I inspire you, just as much as I plan on inspiring myself.